Type Casting String by Concatenation Performance Test in PHP
The purpose of this test is to see if casting an object to a string by concatenating it was actually slower than using normal type casting. Here is my source:
// Setup
$tests = 1000000;
class Foo {
public function __toString() {
return "bar";
// Test 1
$x = new Foo();
$timer = microtime();
for ($i = 0; $i < $tests; $i++) {
$y = "" . $x;
$timer -= microtime();
echo "Test 1 complete. Total time: {$timer}\n" . PHP_EOL;
// Test 2
$x = new Foo();
$timer = microtime();
for ($i = 0; $i < $tests; $i++) {
$y = (string)$x;
$timer -= microtime();
echo "Test 2 complete. Total time: {$timer}\n" . PHP_EOL;
// Done.
This is what I got in my terminal:
$php -f test-typecast.php
Test 1 complete. Total time: -0.203729
Test 2 complete. Total time: -0.16766
Test 1 tells PHP to 1) create a string, 2) concatenate it to an object, 3) PHP
can’t do that so it tries to call the $x->__toString()
method, 4) now
concatenate "" . $x->__toString();
Test 2 in this case will 1) check the type of $x
, and 2) return the value of
Naturally the process with the least steps would be faster.