My cask script!
Say goodbye to manual installations
Finally we get our own apt-get
like tool for Mac! Check out cask if you
haven’t already! Below is my personal script for my setup. Maybe I’ll move this
to chef recipe for my mac one day? ;)
Note: The latest and greatest will be maintained on GitHub.
# Let's automate installing all our apps!
# Note: This will require homebrew and cask!
# See:
# Uninstall: Provide the --appdir when removing.
# @author Richard Sumilang
INSTALL_CMD="brew cask install --appdir=/Applications"
# Communication
$INSTALL_CMD colloquy
$INSTALL_CMD propane
# Development
$INSTALL_CMD charles
$INSTALL_CMD filezilla
$INSTALL_CMD gas-mask
$INSTALL_CMD geektool
$INSTALL_CMD intellij-idea
$INSTALL_CMD robomongo
$INSTALL_CMD sequel-pro
$INSTALL_CMD sourcetree
$INSTALL_CMD vagrant vagrant-bar
$INSTALL_CMD virtualbox
# Enterprise
#$INSTALL_CMD citrix-receiver
# Interwebs
$INSTALL_CMD firefox
$INSTALL_CMD google-chrome
# Media
$INSTALL_CMD mediaelch
$INSTALL_CMD miro-video-converter
$INSTALL_CMD videospec
# Music
$INSTALL_CMD spotify
# Tools
$INSTALL_CMD dropbox
# Utilities
$INSTALL_CMD remote-desktop-connection
$INSTALL_CMD transmission